The First Computer Programmer!

Show this article to those guys who downgrade girls and make cheap trolls on the internet about how woman lack the basic computer knowledge.

The first computer programmer was a woman, and her name was Ada Lovelace. You might be fairly familiar with the name, for her works with the “Father of Computing”, Charles Babbage. She was no ordinary woman though, she was the Countess of Lovelace, and wife of William, 8th Baron King.She basically was a mathematician and writer and the only legitimate child of the poet Lord Byron. The first program she wrote was to calculate Bernoulli Numbers, for Charles Babbage’s Difference Engine, but it was never tested (May be “women are never wrong” existed in the 19th century too,pun intended). She was also a visionary and was one of the firsts to predict that computing machines can be used to  compose music, produce graphics, and be useful to science which have come true now.

Another sad fact about this lady- She died at an early age of 36 due to cancer, but her name will live forever in the history of Computing!

PS: I dedicate my first post as a blogger to all the wonderful Women out there!

PPS: We are open to suggestions, please leave a feedback!

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